About mid January David left for Fresno. I only lasted about a week and a half without him. It was surprisingly very stressful to not have him around. I had a hard time sleeping because I couldn't cuddle with him, and I think what made it so hard was not knowing how long our separation would last. After getting a new realtor and some other things in place, I took off with the kids to Fresno too. We went from our spacious 4 bedroom house to a 5th wheel. Here's where we've been staying.
It's a bit cramped but I'm thankful we are together.
The thing I miss most is my kitchen. We have a small fridge, not much cupboard space and certainly not a lot of counter space.
Here's a visual comparison of my huge kitchen in Willcox, compared to our little trailer. I know, I know. I'm lucky to have "first world problems."
I didn't bring my Vitamix (what was I thinking!?) and I'm not sure how to work the oven so no baking. I miss eating cornbread, biscuits and gravy and smoothies.
I also miss Marilyn's bread and free organic tomatoes and other farm fresh produce (although being here we've had all you can eat oranges! and farm fresh produce is on it's way). I miss the quietness (we are right next to an airport where loud jets scream through the air, and a train loves to chime and where traffic never stops).
I miss going to the bathroom without having to walk somewhere (there is no septic tank here) and take showers privately (we take showers at the gym).
I'm thankful to be together, so I don't want to come across as ungrateful. But I do keep praying for our house to sell and spend a few minutes here and there scouring realtor.com for hope of an affordable home in the country that's within 30 minutes of the academy.
But all things work together for good and because of our circumstances, we get to have a picnic every day!
We eat outside on the picnic tables for lunch and supper usually. The table in the fifth wheel serves as our desk and we have our laptops on it most of the time.
The kids LOVE it here. They play outside all day. They ride their bikes, play in the dirt, watch David work, help sometimes and just occupy themselves quite happily. They have become proficient dumpster divers too. There is a dumpster on campus that they particularly love finding toys in. They are always bringing home "treasures" they found.
They play in the dirt a lot. Here is one of the great "projects" they've been engineering. They dug a trench starting from where the hose can reach and then it flows like a little stream where they built a beaver's home. There is one swamp where a crocodile and a hippo live. There is one pond where a frog lives. There is an ocean where sea animals live. And there is a lake where fish live and there is a tunnel they made and on the other side are ducks. They set up their cows and other land animals all along the edge of the stream.
Orion found those welding glasses in the auto shop that is now the farm building. They fit him perfectly so he feels really manly. What's really funny is the whole combo of welding glasses, safety glasses and that cheap necklace...another one of their "treasures".
I don't now what's with Orion sticking his tongue out. Photogophobia I suppose.
Anyway, that's all I can update for now.