What is one of the hardest, scariest things you've ever done? If you are really honest, I bet saying you're sorry is somewhere in the top 5. Let's face it. Being humble is...well...humiliating. Admitting fault is never easy but stepping out of the comfort zone a little farther is apologizing to someone outside your immediate family.
A few days ago I had to go to the doctor. While we were waiting for my name to be called the kids were playing with their Kiwis. They started throwing them in the air a few inches and catching them. Harmless, I thought as I continued chatting with my friend who came with me. As kids are prone to do, they continued testing their abilities by throwing them higher. Before I could intervene and redirect their energies a kiwi accidentally went flying into the air and landed directly onto the head of an unsuspecting breastfeeding mother sitting on a nearby couch. My embarrassment matched her shock. I called my son over to me and I told him he needed to go apologize. With fear in his eyes and a quivering chin he asked if I would go with him. Like Deborah going with Barack I held his hand as we stepped onto the battlefield of pride. Once we got close he bravely uttered the magic words, "I'm sorry for hitting you with my stuffed animal will you forgive me?" The lady graciously accepted the apology and another observing woman commended Orion for his bravery. Meanwhile I made a mental note to bring coloring books or something else next time.
Though some may think an experience like that is inconsequential, taking responsibility for your actions is something I want to be an automatic response in my kids. I just hope and pray that as they grow older they will do it without being required to, just because it's the right thing to do.