Friday, February 24, 2012

Our time at the beach

Time is slipping by and I still want to give recognition to the rest of our visit in California.

The kids loved sleeping in Neena and Grampa Jim's motor home. I think this is one of my favorite pictures of the whole trip. Snuggling in the morning, talking to each other, awaiting the discoveries of a new day...

After spending four days with my Mom, the kids blew kisses and hugs out the window while my Mom pretended to be knocked over with each kiss. They really like that game. In fact, they didn't want the fun to end as Neena and Grampa got farther away so they started blowing kisses to God and the angels. Talk about cute.

My friend Tiffany showed such gracious hospitality by giving us her king size bed while she slept on the couch!  She's really the only friend from high school I've visited. I have kept in touch with others on Facebook and such, but have not seen anyone else personally since we parted ways 13 years ago. Now we are both Mom's.It was great to spend time together again, even if only brief.

My husband attended a conference for farmers called Eco Farm near the beautiful Asilomar beach in Monterey.


David was teaching them the "get as close to the water as you can but when it crashes and starts chasing you, run away before it gets you" game. They were having so much fun....until...

Omega tripped and fell and got all soaking wet. Luckily we had the suitcase in the trunk and she changed out pretty quickly.

David had to go pick up Jane and Jonathan so we stayed at the beach until he got back. When he got back we had to rush so he could get to his first lecture on time. It wasn't until several hours later when I was several hours away visiting with my sister that I realized I had forgotten all of these clothes on the chain. I called David, semi panicked and asked if he could run down to the beach and see if they were still there. He called me back and said,
"Well...the only thing missing........"
long pause...
(I'm thinking, "Oh no, someone took Omega's new's brand new from Christmas....")
 "Is you." 
Ahh....relief...and a little smile crept on my face because I love it when he flirts with me :)

If you're at the beach, you can't help but sneak in a romantic moment right? ;)

Here are some pictures while David was gone

The beach girl in me felt fulfilled as I reclined on a rock with a sweatshirt for a pillow, the sunshine kissing my eyelids while I listened to my kids making sand castles. Ahhh....that is what I call relaxing.


  1. Is that a kiss they blew that just about knocked me over a few minutes ago? I wondered what "hit" me. Must have landed in a tree when the kids were blowing so many kisses, and now the wind knocked it off and...POW! It nearly spun me around with all that love behind it!

  2. What a beautiful photo of you and your husband! Good one for a frame <3 I love when my husband flirts with me too :)
