Wednesday, July 18, 2012

We miss Julie

For half of June and half of July we had a very special person eating at our house with us. Her name is Julie. She was a student of ours at SOULS and she became staff there right when we left. So instead of working with her in a school setting, she decided to work with us in a farm setting. Leaving the mind taxing, professional and clean work environment wearing sandals and skirts, she came for a month to experience mud, sweat and calloused hands while taxing her body. A change of pace for sure, here are some of the pictures she took to capture her experience.

Clean is a foreign word here.
There is no room for vanity either.
Julie became a Farm Warrior Princess.
We are going to start marketing this new tractor air freshener

This is Jonathan's high tunnel which she helped with.

As for time spent after work....

If you are afraid of bugs, this may not be the place for you...

"Crooked Beak" (who currently lives on our back porch due to an injured foot) didn't want to miss out on mealtime either, the highlight of everyone's day. Due to the sliding door being open for air flow, she often found a way to sneak in.
Every morning for breakfast and every evening for supper Julie crossed the field from the house she was staying in to our house about a half mile away. This cow came within 8 feet of her.

We already miss her witty humor and playful presence. One joke I laughed hysterically at was "Did you know that the propeller on an airplane actually keeps the pilot cool? When it shuts off, he really starts to sweat!"
Despite our attempts at snagging her keys and trying to keep her here she rode off into the sunrise (literally) on Sunday morning.

Thanks for coming Julie!


  1. I understand how you feel. Many people have felt the same way... since she's so amazing and all! :) I'm glad you all had a good and productive time.

  2. Aw, I feel so loved!! And I miss my 'farm family' a lot... Really I do. I had a wonderful time, and am busily canvassing my friends on farming and gardening - and/or working there with you! Oh, and Hope - I miss your cooking!!!!
    @ Cassie - LOL and SRME.
