Thursday, August 30, 2012

We finally got to go swimming

I had great dreams this summer to take my kids swimming every Friday at Joni and Jerrie's house. When I was little, swimming was the essence of summer. I had planned to do all my Sabbath cooking on Thursday and divvy out the other chores throughout the week so that all I'd have to do on Friday is tidy up and clean the bathroom. That would leave all afternoon to go swimming and be relaxed when Sabbath came. We had repeated disappointment when it would either be too windy, rainy, the pump for our garden was acting wierd and I had to figure it out, I couldn't get everything done on time, etc. Finally one day Jonie called me and said, "Hope, it is such a beautiful day, the pool is clean and I wish I could enjoy it but since I'm working I'd love it if you could enjoy it with your kids for me!" (She is such a sweet lady)!" I decided we MUST make it happen. So we did. 

On our way, we got some fringe benefits! There was a turtle crossing the road so we stopped to look at it. As we did, we also saw some huge caterpillars.

  The kids are getting more and more comfortable with the idea of swimming. They practice in the bathtub putting their heads under water.
 On their property are some mature mesquite trees. The pods had dried so we helped ourselves to them to be ground later into flour for some yummy mesquite tortillas. 

We came back feeling very refreshed.

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