Thursday, November 29, 2012

Recap Thanksgiving

It's funny how Thanksgiving was only a week ago but it feels like forever ago. Nonetheless, I'd like to recap on it for memory's sake. It was a simple event in our home. No fancy table cloth, special dishes or candles. Just special people and special food :) 

The whole day was rather quiet. The kids played while I did some cooking before the "party" arrived. We had Jonathan, his mom, his dad and the new intern Timothy over along with Julian who lives in our home. So there were 9 of us total. While we waited for Timothy's broccoli to steam they checked out the Black Friday sales in the newspaper.

Then the food was served. We set it out potluck style so the table wouldn't be so crammed. We ate the traditional "tofurky", candied yams, mashed potatoes with gravy, some steamed broccoli and an apple-cranberry-walnut salad. Sweet potato pie and banana cream pie for dessert.

For those of you who have never had "tofurky" before, this is what it looks like. I put stuffing around it. I'm not a huge fake-meat person but on Thanksgiving it's pretty yummy. 
Jonathan gave the kids a special gift. A wooden train set! They were practically glued to it for the rest of the day...and the next....and the next!

 And, last but not least, we finished our thankful tree. All month long we've added leaves of thanksgiving. Instead of using the pecan leaves from our trees outside we decided to make our own. We got Elmers glue, poured a little in a small bowl with some water and then got a paint brush and brushed it over tissue paper on top of construction paper. After it dried I traced leaves and cut them out. The kids loved it.

 Some were just one worded items, and others were more specific.
 You might notice a black dot in all my pictures from now on (if I don't edit them). That's because I dropped my camera and now all the pictures show up with a black dot. :( I guess all things work together for good....a great excuse to get a new camera!
 This was what I was thankful for. I remember last year I only got my hair cut about every 6 months because I felt like I needed someone to watch them while I got my hair cut. Now I can take them with me and they sit and watch the whole time with no problem. The hair stylist even commented at how chill my kids were. I am so proud of them! Getting past the 2's and 3's is such a blessing. Loved them as toddlers but, whew, am I thankful to be past all the wiggly-ness and boundary testing!

"Praise ye the LORD. O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever." Psalms 106:1

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