Thursday, December 27, 2012

Servant's Heart

Remember how my prayer for Orion this year was that he would develop a servant's heart? That he would learn how to work hard? That prayer is already being answered. 

Our of nowhere the kids wanted to pretend they were doing foot washing (at our church, when we do a communion service, we break up into pairs and do foot washing first to follow Jesus' example).

They took turns. I just happened to take the picture when it was Omega's turn.

Then they wanted to do my feet. They like doing soap first (we don't do soap at church). And they had a thrilling surprise of very cold water (we do warm at church). 

I think it's neat that a child will incorporate into their play whatever you've taught them through precept or example. They are naturally imitators. I always pray that we give them an example worth copying.


  1. Ha ha, Orion looks like he's in bliss! (in the first picture) He looks very sincere, with the heart of a servant in the last picture.

  2. Agreed I love his comfortable stance in the first one, so cute. I often think about the washing of feet when I am pondering Jesus' message. Such a good reminder of the love that He wants us to give to each other.
