Omega is sitting on my lap right now as we reflect on this last year. In two days she will not longer be 6 years old. How has she grown in this last year. Let's do a little interview and find out. (I answered for her on a lot of these)
Mommy: Omega, what things have you learned this year?
Omega: How to count money, and I can read simple things. I know how to make envelopes and I send mail to people. I can make farm box cookies almost by myself. I can unload the dishwasher SUPER quick now. I can also ride a bike without training wheels. And I don't wear a diaper at night anymore and I hardly ever have accidents except when I eat watermelon for supper.
Mommy: What things do you want to learn while you are 7?
Omega: How to read, how to not be shy when people talk to me,how to have a dialogue on the phone instead of a monologue.
Mommy: What are some of your favorite things to say?
Omega: Always. I tell Daddy, "Why do you always say...." I like to copy Mommy and say, "What in the world?" and "Honkin" and "like" and "Do you wonder what...." or "Something funny...." I also like to pretend I'm Aimee and say, "Like, when I was driving, willow trees happened." "Mom, when I get big, do you know what I'm goin' do?" "Thirty thousand and sixty three".
Mommy: What are some of your favorite things to play?
Omega: I like playing the Ladybug game that Heather Krick gave us. I also like to play in the sandbox when it cools down in the evening. I like to do felt stories. I like to make a fort with the table and chairs and Orion and I put pillows and towels all around and play inside with our little animals. We both have our own Qu-ees and dollies. My dollies names are Savannah, Aimee, Angelia and Amber (used to be Alanda) and Orion has Timothy (used to be Osten), Julian and Bu-ian. I also play with my Koala and Orion plays with the white Teddy Bear. Another thing we still like doing is lining up our cars in a line like a troop of ants.
Mommy: What is your favorite thing to do during snuggle time?
Omega: I always like to pick out a story from Bedtime Stories and I like when you do my back and face.
Mommy: What is your daily schedule like?
Omega: When we wake up, sometimes we snuggle on your lap if we are still sleepy. Sometimes if Orion and I wake up at the same time we start playing. Then we eat breakfast. Then we unload the dishwasher and then get dressed, make my bed and brush my hair. Then we have worship and have a small break and then start homeschool. Right now we are just doing Saxton Phonics. After that we get to play until lunch.When it's hot sometimes we take a bath in the day or find something fun to do. After lunch we clear and wipe the table and counters. We just started learning how to wash dishes. When we are done we play some more and at 5:00 or so we start cleaning up our room and the living room before Daddy gets home. At 6:00 we try to eat supper and then we play in the sand box since there's shade on it at that time. At 7:30 or so we have worship and then give Daddy a hug and kiss, go brush our teeth, Mommy reads to us, does our back and we go to sleep by 8:30. That's my day...except when we go to town or on Sabbath. And on Sunday, Daddy's day off, we usually get to help him do projects or watch him do bees.
Mommy: What are some of the wierd things you do?
Omega If someone is doing something I don't like I'll lick my hand and try to wipe it on them so they will stop.
Mommy: Who are your friends?
Omega: Amber, Esther, Amenity, Miciah, Manoah, and Tiny. Savannah and Heidi. And I like Angelia, Jane, Monique, Laylani, Olivia, and Angel. I know who else I like - Daddy. do you know who else? (points to me and gives me a kiss on the cheek). Do you know who else I like the BEST? Someone you would not guess. Boing (as she points to the sky)
Mommy: Jesus?
Omega: Yeah (as she looks up and pretends to give him a hug) Come here Jesus!
Mommy: When you get big, what are you going to do?
Omega: Build cars and dig people up and see how their bones look. And....I'm goin to have my own store. And I'm going to work at a restaurant. And I will cut people's hair. And I will work at a hospital. And I will get puffy and strong. And I'm going to go to a place where I can find a nest with a couple of babies and take them and have them for my pet (birds).
Mommy: What kind of store will you have?
Omega: You should store.
Mommy: Why do you want to have a grocery store?
Omega: So I can earn so much money so I can do other jobs. I can get sooo rich.
Mommy: Why do you want to be rich?
Omega: So I can buy whatever I need for 63 years. And I can buy my own chapstick which is fruit chapstick.
So there's my interview with Omega. You can probably tell which ones I answered for her and which ones were her actually answering :)
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