Although it's monsoon season, sometimes it rains across the street but not on our property. Seriously, the rain clouds are really selective. So when our garden needs water we still have to get it at the farm and transport it back to our house (our well has too much boron and sodium and since we use a drip irrigation system it accumulates in the soil instead of being flushed through. We'll have to do flood irrigation if we want to use our well water). Here are some pictures of when we first started transporting it. We took the tailgate off our truck because it was broken so when we first started transporting the water it would occasionally fall off the bed of the truck because of the vibrations on the road. We didn't have the whole "slam-on-the-brakes-to-scoot-it-forward" thing down yet. When a tank has 200 lbs of water, it can be pretty heavy. It took David, Julian and Jonathan to get it back on.
So, the kids keep coming up with creative things to do while we wait for the tank to fill up. For several weeks they went to the puddles looking for tadpoles. Recently though, they decided to take up running.
Like good colporteurs, they have their hand on the door handle and when I stop they jump out and begin running across the field. Their goal is to get to Jane's house before I come to get them.
They run to the end of the field and then swing a right and keep running till I pick them up. They run for about a mile!
Actually the other day they wanted to keep going all the way to our house (2 miles!) so I drove slowly beside them while they ran. Orion got tired so I held his hand out the truck window while he ran/walked.
Our neighbor was out of town for a bit so we fed his horses and cleaned his dog kennels. The kids wanted to run there instead of driving (.6 of a mile there and .6 of a mile back). We ran together the first time but the dog knocked them in the mud and we had to get a ride home from their mother who lives next door. The kids were not smiling when they fell but by the time they got home they were laughing.
So, the next day they still wanted to run, but I followed them in the truck in case anything happened ;)
I just feel proud of them for being so enthusiastic about exercise. I remember trying to take a walk with them a couple years ago and they would want to stop every 10 feet and play with dirt or pick up a rock or pick a weed. Now we get places much quicker :) I love that we live out in the wide open spaces where they can run if they want to without the fear of getting hit by a car or something. I'm thankful to give them the opportunity to develop sound constitutions that will bless them for the rest of their life.
"Many children have been ruined for life by urging the intellect and neglecting to strengthen the physical powers. Many have died in childhood because of the course pursued by injudicious parents and schoolteachers in forcing their young intellects, by flattery or fear, when they were too young to see the inside of a schoolroom. Their minds have been taxed with lessons when they should not have been called out, but kept back until the physical constitution was strong enough to endure mental effort. Small children should be left as free as lambs to run out of doors, to be free and happy, and should be allowed the most favorable opportunities to lay the foundation for sound constitutions." {Counsels to Parents, Teachers and Students page 79}