November 25, 2011
My kids love to pretend they are other people or animals. This morning Omega woke Orion up and said, "Orion, are you still Chucka-chone Chone-Chone?" (Chucka-chone is his first name, and Chone-Chone is his last name) Don't ask me how they came up with that. It's stuck around for the last year or so. Other names they pretend to be are Amy and Charles, Janna and Andy, or Janice and Byron (all members of the Smith family who my husband works for). At least now we've gotten them to adopt their correct gender. There was a time when Omega wanted Orion to be Esther and she would be Amber (kids of some friends of ours). David didn't like that. He'd says, "Omega, Esther is a girl. Orion is a boy. Why don't you let him be a boy?" Then Omega would say, "But he's a BOY Esther."
Oh, now I just overheard Omega said, "Orion, why don't you be a monkey." They can switch pretty easily. Sometimes they can even be multiple people all at once! When I'm getting them out of the bathtub, sometimes they say, "watch the alligator get out of the bathtub," and then they slither out. Even when we are having worship and it's time to kneel on the floor and pray, Orion will say, "I'm a kangaroo going to pray." Then he'll jump down from the couch.
As I'm typing this I can hear them on their hands an knees whispering. I think they are trying to "sneak up" on me.....I just pretended to be surprised and scared. They said they were a kitty and a doggy. I pet them on their head and scratched their ears. Now they are going to go do it again because it was so much fun.
That's another thing about kids. Doing the same funny thing over and over and over and over is always just as funny as the first time.
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