Thursday, November 12, 2015


This was an unpublished post from a while ago....

As I was reading one of my counseling books I realized another reason why we must be like children to enter into the kingdom of heaven. It is true that in Jesus' statement, he referred to the simplicity, the self-forgetfulness, and the confiding love of a little child that are the attributes Heaven values. But I found another one to add to the list. Imagination.

"People struggling with life in a fallen world often want explanations when what they really need is imagination. they want strategies, techniques, and principles because they simply want things to be better. But God offers much more. People need to look at their families, neighbors, friends, cities, jobs, history and churches and see the kingdom. They need imagination - the ability to see what is real but unseen. This is what Paul fixed his gaze on (2 Cor. 4). They need to look at a city and see the glorious company of the redeemed being gathered, amidst a brutal spiritual battle, to live in union with God. They need to look at their children and see a Redeemer pursuing their hearts for his own. They need to scan history and see God accomplishing His purpose." (Instruments in the Redeemers Hands, 7)
 If there's any one thing that I believe sets children apart from adults is imagination.

Several years ago Omega bonked her head and then she said "Jesus hurried out of my heart and went into my head and protected it so it wouldn't crack.

Of course


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